NEWS & Faq’s


  • The World Trade Center in Lausanne, where we are based, has changed its name : the Business Center is now called Bloom.
  • The Business Center will be undergoing major renovation work for several months. If you have an appointment with us, please follow the signs to the Business Center’s temporary reception, which is still located on the ground floor. If you are coming by car, please go to level -4 of the underground parking lot (currently free) and use only the spaces marked “visitors”.
  • We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause during interviews and we thank you for your understanding.
  • Notice to candidates who have entrusted us with their personal files : for management and space reasons, any file for which our last contact dates back 10+ years may be removed from our database. The paper version is schredded in our offices, the digital version is deleted from the memory of our computers and backup systems. However we will be happy to deal with any file updates or contact renew.


questions and answers to candidates

And always bear in mind the following points:

  1. To find out whether your CV is attractive (form and content), take a step back, put yourself in the reader/recruiter’s shoes and have it reread by one or two people you trust.
  2. Would you prefer to read 30 CVs with 1 page or 30 CVs with 5 pages each?
  3. A professional, experienced recruiter gets to the heart of the matter and knows how to read between the lines; if your CV interests them, they’ll be sure to ask you for further information (but give us information that is relevant to the job application, because we’re not mind readers!) At the risk of shocking you, applying for a job is an act of selling yourself (and your abilities in relation to a position), so it’s up to you to promote yourself (honestly and transparently), and then it’s up to us to select or reject your application on the basis of the required criteria and the other applications received.
  4. be absolutely honest about your real knowledge (e.g. languages and IT), because if a recruiter has doubts about one element of your CV, the whole profile of the person will be called into question. And recruiters hate lies or untruths.